
Fresh Industry: Opportunities and Challenges for Fresh New Retail 2018

Date:8, 10, 2018Hits:32

The fresh retail industry can be said to be the most popular new retail industry in recent years. There were Mr. Ali Tama, later the Yonghui Super species, and the United States, etc.. The major businesses have been in full swing, setting off fresh new retail. Wind.

The fresh retail industry can be said to be the most popular new retail industry in recent years. There were Mr. Ali Tama, later the Yonghui Super species, and the United States, etc.. The major businesses have been in full swing, setting off fresh new retail. Wind.
1. Box Horse
While the overall weight of the retail sector was moving forward in 2016, Alibaba's new retail project, boxhorse shengsheng, opened 13 stores, covering Shanghai, Beijing and Ningbo, and began to make large-scale profits.

The box horse is a new attempt for new retail. It is a restaurant. It is a lifestyle. Its big feature is that you can directly choose to eat seafood in the store, or you can choose the logistics and distribution service unique to the box horse fresh horse: within three kilometers, 302 minutes to arrive. The supply chain of the box horse is completely digital. From the store to the store, the shelf, the collection and packaging, the distribution tasks, etc., the operators can identify and operate through intelligent systems

2. Beauty, Palm fish fresh
Last year, Wang Xing, CEO of American group, said in an internal speech that the online and offline integration model would be the company's future direction, and then, soon, the palm fish came into being. Almost all the products in the "fresh palm fish" store are electronically priced, and most of the digital pre-packaged products are convenient for online and offline simultaneous price adjustment and delivery. Unlike box horse fresh students, there is currently no catering service for fresh palm fish. In the future, fresh palm fish will create a one-stop service of "Central Kitchen Processing + Community Distribution".

3.suning, Suxiansheng.
On December 31, 2017, the "SU FRESH Su Xiansheng" boutique supermarket officially landed in Beijing, Chengdu and Nanjing. Prior to this, Su Xiansheng had already landed in three stores, the first one was opened in Xuzhou, and the other two were located in Nanjing and Anhui Province. Zhangzhou. The store collects supermarkets and restaurants, provides online distribution services, and uses the "on-line + offline, catering + supermarket" model to explore the market.

Upgrades in consumption in a variety of fresh markets reflect big prospects for fresh markets. According to data from a well-known domestic data and statistics agency, in 2017, the per capita daily consumption of fresh supermarkets in China was 11.9 yuan, which is basically equivalent to one lunch in a second-tier city. From the perspective of the aspect, In fact, it reflects the fact that the demand for fresh ingredients and food in China is very large. The daily turnover of fresh supermarkets will reach Rmb7 .14 BN, based on a population of 600 million in cities and towns. Of course, this is only the most conservative market estimate. The actual figure may be much higher than this figure. From this point of view, China's fresh market development prospects are still very good.
However, under this prospect, the new retail model still faces many challenges, such as high logistics costs, shortage of storage resources, unstable supply chain, and competition in traditional fresh markets.

Transfer from: China Logistics and Procurement Network